Wow, 2009 came and now it is gone already... in a flash! As I look back on the year and think about food, I feel like I have come a long way. Sure, I have always aimed for whole, natural foods, but I DO admit those times (many times) where I could not resist a sugary treat (white, at that) and could eat a whole batch of brownies in one sitting. I ponder about my motives for over indulging and I must confess, that I think it was a depression issue. Being a new mom is not easy and not having the body I wanted immediately after having my son... was not easy either. On top of that, motherhood and being a housewife at the same time--was a huge adjustment! I never made my own bed and was never really around babies. Now, I have to say I love my role and the idea of my role, but it was and IS just plain hard! :) I need daily encouragement...
In the summer, I joined the YMCA... and the endorphins released by excersizing was just what I needed in the midst of my storm. I dabbled on the elliptical machine and treadmills. While those were helpful, I really found myself having a good time and burning calories in taking classes. Cardio kickboxing, Cardio Pump, Step Interval--even Cycling (or spinning) a few times here in there are great classes to take. I highly encourage you join. If you have a budget issue, the Y has a great financial scholarship program... look into it! Replace those daily lunch outings with a Y membership and bag those lunches! It has been so fun being a part of the Y... and when friends join too, it has made the experience so much sweeter! We carpool to classes together---it keeps us motivated and accountable.
So, this may sound cliche. While you are re-evaluating the way you eat... make a New Year's Resolution to be healthy! Join the YMCA or gym near you. And hey, start with a class-- try not to be embarrassed. Trust me, this is coming from a girl who hated the attention of walking down the aisle at her own wedding... Stand in the back and after a while, you will get the hang of the moves and lingo.
In short, 2010--the year of healthy eating and exercising. Below is a picture of my son and I on Christmas Day.
Isn't he so cute!