Thursday, December 17, 2009

Organic Groceries--the way I tackle the budget issue...

As mentioned before, I have been on the "health-green kick" for many years...  It is so great to see this green movement really push people to be healthy from a holistic perspective.  It has also really made shopping a lot easier!  The purpose for me to start this blog is to share the recipes that I manipulated into a healthier version or just share a healthy recipe I came across OR just something I made up! Eating clean is something that we should all strive to do, especially during these economic times.  I challenge you all to find ways to buy organic, buy local, and cut back!  Friends (and family) often ask me how can our family afford to eat this way---simple... it is so important to me that we eat clean, that we cut back in other areas and reuse... Below are some helpful tips that our family considers:

1.  Cut back on buying your daily coffee.  Make it at home.  If you know me, I LOVE coffee, but drinking more than the recommended amount (usually about no more than 2 cups) can cause an array of issues--gas, bloating, sleep deprivation, heartburn, sugar cravings--to name a few.  And, I am no saint here... I LOVE to go out for coffee--but I am getting better!
2.  Recycle your food!  Use leftovers and re-invent another dish.  For example, with leftover couscous, fill a wrap or pita with a little cheese, tomato, spinach (and a dash of ground flax, of course!), and grill each side on medium heat for about 3-5 minutes.  My husband love this! 
3.  When in the organic section, see what's on sale...  I once bought  5 bags of organic frozen sweet potato fries because they were on a  $.99 special.  I would rather make them from scratch--but hey, when you have a baby... and a hungry husband that demands food when he walks in the door--it is so easy!
4.  Look for coupons in your magazines.  Since organic eating is a trend right now, there are so many ads in magazines that come in the mail.  I often see Stonyfield coupons with their ads in "Parents" magazine.  Also, sign up for rewards with your favorite brands--they sometimes email you coupons that you can print out.  The best are the free magazines in health food stores--they have coupons in there!  Use 'em!
5.  The best, is sharing.  My dear friend Sara has passed on some coupons to me for food/items she doesn't use.  Rather than throwing those coupons you don't use out, share 'em!  Sometimes, if I have them on me and I have an coupon for an item the person in front of me does--I give it to them.
7.  Online, online, online coupons.  You can print them off or load them onto your loyalty card. My current fav site is:
8.  Eat out less often.  This really should be a treat--we over indulge ourselves way too much (I include myself in this group).   Let's face it, going out is SO fun... and convenient...  try to cut back.  It's so hard, I know, but have fun creating recipes and entertaining at home.  I get my "going out fix" on Thursday nights with our potluck style Bible study group, so this helps!  Now, I am to the point where I would rather eat at home (and at friends's homes) than eat out.  I mean, I buy the good-for-you kind of food... most places buy chemical-filled ingredients and sell it for a high dollar anyway.  Use your high dollars for organics and locals!
9.  Be open to ideas from others---so if you have a tip to add, please comment!

1 comment:

  1. Love, love, love it! Keep the good stuff rolling girl! :)
